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Core-to-envelope rotation in γDor stars

New article from L. Barrault accepted in A&A

9. Dez. 2024

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The presence of dips in the gravity modes period spacing versus period diagram of gamma Doradus stars is now well established by recent asteroseismic studies. Such Lorentzian-shaped inertial dips arise from the interaction of gravito-inertial modes in the radiative envelope of intermediate-mass main sequence stars with pure inertial modes in their convective core. They allow to study stellar internal properties. This window on stellar internal dynamics is extremely valuable in the context of the understanding of angular momentum transport inside stars, since it allows us to probe rotation in their core. We investigate the signature and the detectability of a differential rotation between the convective core and the near-core region inside gamma Doradus stars from the inertial dip properties. We study the coupling between gravito-inertial modes in the radiative zone and pure inertial modes in the convective core in the sub-inertial regime, allowing for a two-zones differential rotation from the two sides of the boundary. Taking a bi-layer rotation profile, we derive the wave equations in the convective core and the radiative envelope. We solve the coupling equation numerically and match the result to an analytical derivation of the Lorentzian dip. We then use typical values of measured near-core rotation and buoyancy travel time to infer ranges of parameters for which differential core to near-core rotation would be detectable in current Kepler data. We show that increasing the convective core rotation with respect to the near-core rotation leads to a shift of the period of the observed dip to lower periods. In addition, the dip gets deeper and thinner as the convective core rotation increases. We demonstrate that such a signature is detectable in Kepler data, given appropriate dip parameter ranges and near-core structural properties.

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